Patients are often referred to me their by lawyers. Others begin seeing me before they need a lawyer or have contacted a lawyer.
If you are visiting this web site because you have a pending drunk driving case or because you are hoping to have your Michigan driving privileges restored, then you will need the assistance of a knowledgeable caring compassionate lawyer.
There are many ways to find such a lawyer in Michigan and if you are interested then I will certainly be happy to help you find the right lawyer to assist you with your legal issues.
You will also want to learn as much as you can about the Michigan Driver Appeals and Assessment Division and about Michigan Driver License Restoration Matters generally.
There is a great deal of information on the web about drunk driving, but like driver license restoration, you will want someone who specializes in alcohol related crimes.
You will also want to learn as much as you can about the drunk driving laws in Michigan.
I work with lawyers on a regular basis and I will work closely with the lawyer you chose to assist you.